
  • Daniel, age 14 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Daniel, age 14 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “…I hadn’t fully grasped the extent to which Daniels auditory processing challenges were affecting his life… It’s not an exaggeration to say that Ronan and team have given him a gift that he will carry with him for his whole life”

    On the advice of his OT, my 14 year old son completed an auditory program at Cluas in 2024. Having undertaken many interventions over the year, relating to Daniels sensory processing disorder, with fairly limited success, I was reasonably sceptical about the potential change that the Cluas program would achieve. I assumed that any improvement in Daniels capacity to cope with auditory processing would be marginal and perhaps hard to quantify. I was absolutely delighted to be proven wrong! Daniel has undergone a profound change in how he experiences sound. It has moved from overwhelming and chaotic to ordered and enjoyable. In real terms this means that he has gone from: being anxious and tuned out in noisy family restaurants, to relaxed and chatty. From leaving the teenage disco’s early because he found it oppressively loud, to participating in nightly Céilí’s and discos at the Gaeltacht without any difficulty. From being disengaged and inattentive in class, to coming home talking about what the teacher said. To fights every night over homework, to sitting down to homework with a sense of purpose because he knows what happened in class today. I hadn’t fully grasped the extent to which Daniels auditory processing challenges were affecting his life and I am utterly grateful that he had the opportunity to attend Cluas. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Ronan and team have given him a gift that he will carry with him for his whole life. 

    Catherine, September 2024 – Wicklow 

  • Karl, age 7 – Sensory Processing Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Karl, age 7 – Sensory Processing Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “We attended over a number of months and took the programme very seriously at home, following all the advice Ronan gave us to get the best out of it. Gradually, we started to notice improvements in his ability to filter out noise. By the end of the programme, going into a supermarket, a coffee shop…

    My son was almost 7 when we decided to go to Cluas. He has been very sensitive to noise since he was a baby and was diagnosed with sensory processing difficulties at 3 years old. We attended occupational therapy to help with his sensory challenges, which helped greatly, but the one area there was no improvement, was his auditory processing difficulties. He was unable to filter out the noises around him and found the world a very overwhelming place. This became an even bigger issue when he started primary school, facing a noisy class and yard every day. We went to Ronan in Cluas to see if he could help. We attended over a number of months and took the programme very seriously at home, following all the advice Ronan gave us to get the best out of it. Gradually, we started to notice improvements in his ability to filter out noise. By the end of the programme, going into a supermarket, a coffee shop or any noisy environment was no longer a source of immense overwhelm and stress. His behaviour began to improve at home and school and we started to notice a consistent level of calm about him. The changes were very clear to see and we have no doubt it was because he did the listening programme with Ronan in Cluas. We can’t thank Ronan enough and would recommend to parents trying to seek help for their child.

    Mum of content little boy, September 2024 – Dublin 

  • Niall, age 4 – Speech & Language Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Niall, age 4 – Speech & Language Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorder

    “Our son has made undeniable progress and we’re now much more optimistic about his long-term development than we were previously. We’d recommend Cluas highly to other parents.”

    Our experience with Cluas, after engaging Ronan and the team to assist our son with his delayed speech development, was first-class. From the very start we were impressed by their responsiveness and professionalism. We felt, in particular, that they really tried to understand our particular situation and the specific speech challenges our son has faced. The appointments were never rushed and Ronan was a constant source of support and advice throughout. Our son has made undeniable progress and we’re now much more optimistic about his long-term development than we were previously. We’d recommend Cluas highly to other parents.

    Robert & Olivia, September 2024 – Dublin 

  • Ricardo, age 13 – Auditory Processing Difficulties and Attention Difficulties 

    Ricardo, age 13 – Auditory Processing Difficulties and Attention Difficulties 

    “Just a quick note to let you know that R. is doing great, 2 months into secondary school and he’s flying! Has made some lovely friends and doing very well academically. The treatment made such a difference in his confidence, it’s been life changing so thank you”

    “Just a quick note to let you know that R. is doing great, 2 months into secondary school and he’s flying! Has made some lovely friends and doing very well academically. The treatment made such a difference in his confidence, it’s been life changing so thank you” 

    Lucia, October 2023 – Dublin 

  • Hugh, age 8 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyspraxia and Speech & Language Difficulties 

    Hugh, age 8 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyspraxia and Speech & Language Difficulties 

    “…A huge difference has been made in terms of speech and social skills and confidence in Hugh…I would recommend this programme to every parent as it has helped us so much and I am extremely grateful. Ronan can tailor the programme to suit your child’s needs. As soon as Hugh speech became perfect we concentrated…

    Cluas has been absolutely wonderful for my 8 year old son. Hugh had speech delay and was diagnosed as having dyspraxia and ASD.  Hugh attended private speech therapy and public but he wasn’t improving. Hugh also found it hard to mix in the school yard. After the initial consultation with Ronan we found out this was because he didn’t know what direction sounds were coming from or hear voices over background noise.  

    We had great fun doing all the activities while he was wearing the head phones and in a matter of months Hugh was speaking perfectly. He got a brilliant report in school whereas 1 year previously we had just received his diagnosis and were very concerned about his future. Ronan can tailor the programme to suit your child’s needs. As soon as Hugh speech became perfect we concentrated on his social skills.  

    A huge difference has been made in terms of speech and social skills and confidence in Hugh. He is doing so well now and we also have the support of Cluas which has been brilliant. I would recommend this programme to every parent as it really helps children and can be the support to help them reach milestones they may not have met otherwise. It has helped us so much and I am extremely grateful. We will have Hugh assessed again but we are fairly sure his diagnosis will be revoked. We are so happy and I cannot thank Cluas enough.  

    Brian, August 2023 – Dublin 

  • Ruth, age 7 – Dyslexia and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Ruth, age 7 – Dyslexia and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “…I highly recommend that any parent with a neuro-diverse child should explore whether there are auditory processing challenges that are getting in the way of them reaching their potential. I am so pleased that we embarked on this journey as it’s easily been the most impactful support that I have managed to put in place…

    I highly recommend that any parent with a neuro-diverse child should explore whether there are auditory processing challenges that are getting in the way of them reaching their potential. I have a 7 year old dyslexic daughter who has just finished the Cluas program and it has had a significant impact not just on her learning but also on her overall well-being.  

    Whereas before she always seemed to be in her own little world and often quite hard to engage with, she is now able to focus and listen more easily and I believe it has made everything a little easier for her. We are now able to have more comprehensive conversations without her being distracted by everything and anything. Her learning has picked up significantly and her teachers and family have all commented on the change. Her social group has broadened and I am hearing about more friends and requests for playdates.  

    And perhaps most importantly, given the reduced stimulation, she is a happier child and I have noticed her mood and energy has improved.  

    I am so pleased that we embarked on this journey as it’s easily been the most impactful support that I have managed to put in place for my daughter. 

    Grace, June 2023 – Dublin 

  • Mina, age 38 – Dyspraxia 

    Mina, age 38 – Dyspraxia 

    “…I always felt different from others and struggled with poor gross and fine motor skills… Socializing in groups was challenging…I had difficulty processing information and had a poor sense of time and organisation. Since starting the Cluas therapy I quickly noticed improvements…better depth perception and clear differentiation between left and right…My concentration and control over…

    I’m a 38-year-old female who has always felt different from others. I struggled with poor gross motor skills, like walking awkwardly and tripping for no reason, as well as poor fine motor skills, such as difficulty writing and using zippers. I also had a poor sense of direction and felt anxious driving, especially at night. Socializing in groups was challenging, and I often found myself in awkward situations. I had difficulty processing information and had a poor sense of time and organisation. Copying from the blackboard made me dizzy and nauseous. Despite these challenges, I worked hard to hide these traits, even pulling all-nighters for school tests at a young age. 

    I had my consultation with Ronan in October 2022. Starting therapy with Cluas later that month, I quickly noticed improvements. My driving skills dramatically improved, with better depth perception and clear differentiation between left and right. Studying became easier, and copying notes was no longer nauseating. My concentration and control over my tone of voice improved, making conversations in noisy environments more comfortable. 

    In May 2023, I had my final assessment, and I’m extremely pleased with the outcome of the therapy. Socialising is more enjoyable, and I even find myself singing, something I never did before. My overall mental well-being has drastically improved, and I no longer feel nauseous when reading or writing. My balance during yoga has improved, and I feel more emotionally stable, even with lack of sleep. Although there were moments during the program when I felt my brain was reverting to old habits, I have witnessed positive changes on a daily basis. Ronan reassured me that it takes time for the brain to fully embrace these changes, and occasional setbacks are normal. 

    Overall, the therapy has been life-changing, and I am grateful for the support and progress I’ve made. 

    Julia, May 2023 – Dublin 

  • Daniel, age 3 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Attention Difficulties and Sensory Processing Difficulties

    Daniel, age 3 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Attention Difficulties and Sensory Processing Difficulties

    ‘’…The first meeting with Ronan opened our awareness to sensory issues and we began our journey of learning the ways we could support Daniel. Daniel began the Cluas at home sound therapy programme in June. After the first stage we could see so much improvement in Daniel’s play, eye contact, listening and concentration skills…”

    Daniel aged 2 1\2 had few words. His attention was very poor. Daniel wouldn’t respond to his name when being called. His interactions with his family, relatives and peers were poor. He would get extremely upset and frustrated throwing himself on the floor and banging his head. He lived in his own world and would only communicate in his own way if he needed something. 

    Cluas was recommended to us by a friend. Ronan was a fantastic support from the beginning. He made us feel comfortable and relaxed as we shared our concerns about Daniel. The first meeting with Ronan opened our awareness to sensory issues and we began our journey of learning the ways we could support Daniel. Daniel began the Cluas at home sound therapy programme in June. After the first stage we could see so much improvement in Daniel’s play, eye contact, listening and concentration skills. Words started to be spoken. 

    Daniel has completed the 3 stages and his interactions and relationships with us have improved immensely. He now plays with his parents and older sister. He interacts with relatives. His voice can be heard with a lot of singing tones and words. There is a very happy boys laughter with lots of fun and enjoyment in our lives today compared to when he was just in his own world. 

    Daniel started preschool in his creche in September and has settled into this group change extremely positively. He is engaging better with staff and peers. 

    There are so many positive things we can say about Ronan and the Cluas programme and would have no difficulty recommending it. Thank you Ronan for all your help and support. 

    Georgina, October 2022 – Co. Westmeath 

  • Adam, age 3 – Speech & Language Difficulties 

    Adam, age 3 – Speech & Language Difficulties 

    “…Adam was 3 and had very few words…He was continually frustrated and it was beginning to affect his confidence and his ability to make friends… he began the Sound therapy program…and he has gone from being so shy and reluctant to try to talk or join in in playschool to being a happy boy who will now…

    Adam was 3 and had very few words compared to his classmates and friends. He was continually frustrated and it was beginning to affect his confidence and his ability to make friends. 

    After the initial meeting with Ronan, he began the Sound therapy program and by the end of the first round of sessions there was a world of improvement. Now, after completing 3 rounds, he has gone from being so shy and reluctant to try to talk or join in in playschool to being a happy boy who will now chat all day long about anything and everything. 

    I cannot recommend Cluas or Ronan enough, he has been an absolute joy to work with. He has such a kind and wonderful demeanour that every time I told Adam it was time to go see Ronan he was so excited, and now he can voice his excitement. We will never be able to thank Ronan enough for everything he has done for Adam. 

    Shay, August 2022 – Dublin 

  • Liam, age 17 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties   

    Liam, age 17 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties   

    “…We are delighted Liam has experienced the benefits of the Cluas program to date…he feels his hears things much more clearly than he used and his concentration has improved…His Dad & I felt Liam’s ability to concentrate had improved in the weeks prior to the Leaving Cert. He got 440 points…!”

    Hi Ronan, 

    Just want to let you know that Liam is very pleased with his Leaving Cert results. 

    He got 440 points and got a place in the 1st round in Business & Management (level 8) in TUD. This was his preferred realistic choice. He feels the environment in TUD will suit his needs better than UCD. 

    He mentioned recently that he feels his hears things much more clearly than he used and his concentration has improved. His Dad & I felt Liam’s ability to concentrate had improved in the weeks prior to the Leaving Cert. 

    We are delighted Liam has experienced the benefits of the Cluas program to date. Hopefully he will enjoy further benefits and his learning experiences in third level will be optimized & enjoyable. 

    Kind regards, 

    Eileen, September 2021 – Dublin