Speech & Language difficulties

  • Owen, age 3 – Speech & Language Difficulties

    Owen, age 3 – Speech & Language Difficulties

    “…The results were almost instant, over the course of phase 1 Owens vocabulary exploded and very quickly he was able to put 2 words together with ease…He’s more sociable and confident and can follow instructions without hesitation…The headphones didn’t bother him whatsoever and he saw it as play time…”

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    116 views since Apr 2025

    Our son, Owen, had approx. 100 words as he approached his 3rd birthday, most of which were very difficult to understand due to poor pronunciation. He would get frustrated when we couldn’t understand him and was prone to tantrums when told no. 

    Cluas was recommended to us by a friend whose son was also experiencing speech difficulties. 

    The Cluas office set up is fantastic for children with plenty of toys to allow them explore without feeling under pressure. The consultation with Cluas was very thorough and we were made aware that Owen had a significant speech and language delay, it became apparent that we had been over estimating how much Owen understood as he was relying on gestures and environmental cues. He was unable to answer simple questions such as ‘what’s your name’, ‘what age are you’. As a parent this was a very worrying reality that Owen was so far behind his peers. 

    We decided to go ahead with the Cluas program and started 2 days after his 3rd birthday. I was skeptical about how Owen would react to the headphones but they didn’t bother him whatsoever and he saw it as play time. The results were almost instant, over the course of phase 1 Owens vocabulary exploded and very quickly he was able to put 2 words together with ease. He was able to answer questions relating to his name, age, sisters name etc Part of phase 1 was targeted at improving Owen’s understanding and we could see he was making great strides in this area too, we were better able to reason with him and saw less tantrums and frustration. It was post phase 1 that we were able to successfully toilet train Owen as his understanding increased. 

    Phase 2 saw Owen go from strength to strength learning colours, numbers, singing songs and he began putting more and more words together. 

    Watching Owen during phase 3 was like pieces of a puzzle coming together, suddenly he was using connecter words, verbs, understanding and using concepts like ‘under’, ‘out’, ‘in’, ‘on’ etc. 

    When we started our Cluas journey it was evident that Owen couldn’t communicate effectively and it felt like we would never be able to catch him up, now Owen doesn’t stop talking! He’s more sociable and confident and can follow instructions without hesitation. He recently started Playschool and settled in straight away, I know he would not have been ready for that transition prior to doing the Cluas program. 

    Throughout the Cluas program the support and guidance from Ronan has been incredible, his expertise and practical advice have been a constant source of comfort. He has a wonderful manner with children and Owen always ran into the office happy to be there. 

    It is astonishing to think how far Owen has come in such a short space of time. We feel the program has unlocked Owens potential and would highly recommend Cluas. 

    Many thanks, Lisa. 

    Lisa, September 2018 – Dublin 

  • Henry, age 2 – Speech & Language Difficulties 

    Henry, age 2 – Speech & Language Difficulties 

    “…Although skeptical of how it would work, we decided to proceed with the program and have not looked back since. We could see an instant improvement in Henry. His progression has been fantastic and it’s been great seeing his personality open up as a result…”

    Categories Posted 2859 total views
    116 views since Apr 2025

    At 2 years of age Henry was practically non-verbal. He spoke only a handful of words. Initially we had put it down to laziness or others speaking for him. 

    After being referred for Speech and Language Therapy by the Public Health Nurse we decided to go to Cluas. Henry was diagnosed with a heightened sensitivity to sound. When explained everything fell into place and made sense to us as to why Henry would run when the hoover, hairdryer was turned on and why he would shy away when singing songs. 

    Although skeptical of how it would work, we decided to proceed with the program and have not looked back since. We could see an instant improvement in Henry. His progression has been fantastic and it’s been great seeing his personality open up as a result. 

    At times the program has been testing with Henry being pushed to his limits but every minute has been worth it when we see him grow with not only vocabulary but in his confidence also. 

    Family and friends have been amazed at the progress Henry has achieved in such a short space of time. 

    Ronan and Pascal have been fantastic and we thank them for all the support they have provided. 

    We would 100% recommend Cluas. 

    Audrey, August 2018 – Dublin 

  • Lee, age 3.5 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Auditory Processing Difficulties 

    Lee, age 3.5 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Auditory Processing Difficulties 

    “…The HSE had stopped his speech therapy and occupational therapy as he was getting so frustrated with it… Since Cluas he is a different child. His understanding has greatly improved and he has a lot more words than before…he seems to be able and ready for speech therapy now…”

    Categories Posted 2541 total views
    111 views since Apr 2025

    Lee started Cluas in the middle of the summer. Back then he had very limited vocabulary and his understanding was very poor. He was very isolated too, playing by himself and appearing to be in his own little world. 

    He was also very clingy towards me and would not leave my side when we were out, making any sort of day trips or visits to people’s houses’ quite difficult. 

    The HSE had stopped his speech therapy and occupational therapy as he was getting so frustrated with it as he didn’t understand it – head banging during sessions when pushed beyond his capabilities. 

    Since Cluas he is a different child. His understanding has greatly improved and he has a lot more words than before. He is even starting to put two word sentences together and seems to be able and ready for speech therapy now. 

    He is a calmer, happier child and is so much more interactive with us and his friends and cousins. The frustration has stopped and so has the headbanging. The clinginess has also stopped and Lee has even started Montessori 5 mornings a week, something that I did not think was possible 3 months ago. 

    Cluas has changed our lives and really helped Lee, I would recommend it 100% and thank the team for helping Lee and us as a family. 

    Cindy, October 2014 – Dublin 

  • Sophie, age 5 – Speech & Language Difficulties 

    Sophie, age 5 – Speech & Language Difficulties 

    … Since starting on the Cluas Program Sophie’s personality has really progressed, she has much more confidence and often takes the lead in play situation …Her whole world has broadened and she wants to know everything about everything…”

    Categories Posted 2229 total views
    88 views since Apr 2025

    Our main concerns about Sophie were in relation to her pronunciation of words. Sophie only pronounces about 10-15% of her words with 100% accuracy. 

    This lead to her withdrawing from social situations where she was verbally challenged. Sophie was often left out or overlooked by her siblings and cousins. 

    Since starting on the Cluas Program Sophie’s personality has really progressed, she has much more confidence and often takes the lead in play situation rather than just following along. Her whole world has broadened and she wants to know everything about everything. 

    Before this Sophie just took a back seat while life passed her by, now she’s in the driver’s seat. 

    Laura, October 2013 – Co. Laois