Attention Difficulties – ADD / ADHD

  • Ricardo, age 13 – Auditory Processing Difficulties and Attention Difficulties 

    Ricardo, age 13 – Auditory Processing Difficulties and Attention Difficulties 

    “Just a quick note to let you know that R. is doing great, 2 months into secondary school and he’s flying! Has made some lovely friends and doing very well academically. The treatment made such a difference in his confidence, it’s been life changing so thank you”

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    “Just a quick note to let you know that R. is doing great, 2 months into secondary school and he’s flying! Has made some lovely friends and doing very well academically. The treatment made such a difference in his confidence, it’s been life changing so thank you” 

    Lucia, October 2023 – Dublin 

  • Daniel, age 3 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Attention Difficulties and Sensory Processing Difficulties

    Daniel, age 3 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Attention Difficulties and Sensory Processing Difficulties

    ‘’…The first meeting with Ronan opened our awareness to sensory issues and we began our journey of learning the ways we could support Daniel. Daniel began the Cluas at home sound therapy programme in June. After the first stage we could see so much improvement in Daniel’s play, eye contact, listening and concentration skills…”

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    Daniel aged 2 1\2 had few words. His attention was very poor. Daniel wouldn’t respond to his name when being called. His interactions with his family, relatives and peers were poor. He would get extremely upset and frustrated throwing himself on the floor and banging his head. He lived in his own world and would only communicate in his own way if he needed something. 

    Cluas was recommended to us by a friend. Ronan was a fantastic support from the beginning. He made us feel comfortable and relaxed as we shared our concerns about Daniel. The first meeting with Ronan opened our awareness to sensory issues and we began our journey of learning the ways we could support Daniel. Daniel began the Cluas at home sound therapy programme in June. After the first stage we could see so much improvement in Daniel’s play, eye contact, listening and concentration skills. Words started to be spoken. 

    Daniel has completed the 3 stages and his interactions and relationships with us have improved immensely. He now plays with his parents and older sister. He interacts with relatives. His voice can be heard with a lot of singing tones and words. There is a very happy boys laughter with lots of fun and enjoyment in our lives today compared to when he was just in his own world. 

    Daniel started preschool in his creche in September and has settled into this group change extremely positively. He is engaging better with staff and peers. 

    There are so many positive things we can say about Ronan and the Cluas programme and would have no difficulty recommending it. Thank you Ronan for all your help and support. 

    Georgina, October 2022 – Co. Westmeath 

  • Liam, age 17 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties   

    Liam, age 17 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties   

    “…We are delighted Liam has experienced the benefits of the Cluas program to date…he feels his hears things much more clearly than he used and his concentration has improved…His Dad & I felt Liam’s ability to concentrate had improved in the weeks prior to the Leaving Cert. He got 440 points…!”

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    Hi Ronan, 

    Just want to let you know that Liam is very pleased with his Leaving Cert results. 

    He got 440 points and got a place in the 1st round in Business & Management (level 8) in TUD. This was his preferred realistic choice. He feels the environment in TUD will suit his needs better than UCD. 

    He mentioned recently that he feels his hears things much more clearly than he used and his concentration has improved. His Dad & I felt Liam’s ability to concentrate had improved in the weeks prior to the Leaving Cert. 

    We are delighted Liam has experienced the benefits of the Cluas program to date. Hopefully he will enjoy further benefits and his learning experiences in third level will be optimized & enjoyable. 

    Kind regards, 

    Eileen, September 2021 – Dublin 

  • Evelyn, age 7 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties  

    Evelyn, age 7 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties  

    “…After the initial meeting with Ronan at Cluas, I finally understand better the source of her struggle and frustration at school and work with her to help her to reach her potential without being hindered by her inability to keep her focus at school. Completing the Cluas programme transformed our lives…”

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    My daughter was 7 years old when we started her programme at Cluas. She was having difficulty keeping up at school and even though she was well-behaved in class she hardly ever knew what her teacher was talking about that day. She was returning home from school very frustrated. 

    After initial meeting with Ronan at Cluas, I finally understood why she was struggling with her attention at school and we were very hopeful the programme would help her improve in all areas she was falling behind. 

    After completing the Cluas programme her school results improved. She was able to tell me each day in detail what she learned that day. Completing the Cluas programme transformed our lives. I can understand better the source of her struggle and frustration at school and work with her to help her to reach her potential without being hindered by her inability to keep her focus at school. 

    Follow up email from Evelyn’s mum below – March 2022: 

    Hi Ronan, 

    just a quick note. 

    I had a parent/teacher meeting with Evelyn’s teacher and she gave me her score from before Halloween and after Christmas. In English she went from 81% to 93% and it Math she jumped from 53% to 89%. 

    It is a massive improvement for her in a short period of time. 

    Thank you for all the work you did with her. 

    Best Regards, 

    Kathleen, February and March 2022 –  Dublin 

  • Catriona, age 6 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties 

    Catriona, age 6 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties 

    “…Catriona’s has improved tenfold. Reading , spelling, interaction in class. But most importantly Catriona’s behaviour is back to normal. So it looks like the work you’re doing is giving many children a better chance in life…”

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    Hi Ronan, 

    Just a brief update on Catriona’s pro29. Cathal, age 2. SLDgress. Heather went to catch up with Catriona’s teacher, to be honest I was very nervous. 

    Needless to say I was blown away when Heather came home and told me Catriona’s has improved ten fold. Reading , spelling, interaction in class. But most importantly Catriona’s behaviour is back to normal. 

    So it looks like the work you’re doing is giving many children a better chance in life. 

    That’s a mighty sense of job satisfaction. 

    Best wishes, 

    Aidan , Heather & Catriona, March 2018 – Dublin 

  • Conor, age 8 –ADHD, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia

    Conor, age 8 –ADHD, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia

    “… From the minute Conor came in to the world he was challenging. He never slept, he had colic, he ‘head banged’ along with numerous other difficulties…Today I have a very happy teenager … family and friends cannot believe the difference…”

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    Conor and his mother, Ursula, came to Cluas in Dublin in 2005 where Conor completed an extended Cluas program – initially three stages and then a further five stages in the following year – in total eight stages. 

    In June 2013 Ursula decided that Conor’s younger brother would also complete a Cluas program, which started in September 2013. She told us how Conor was now getting on and also some of his earlier background: 

    From the minute Conor came in to the world he was challenging. He never slept, he had colic, he ‘head banged’ along with numerous other difficulties. During his early years I took him to numerous natural and medical practices to try to get both of us some help in coping with these problems – without much success. 

    Eventually we got a diagnosis of ADHD. He was also diagnosed with Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. At this point my son was finding school extremely difficult and receiving no support or help. Here I need to mention something very important: the choir mistress took my son under her wing. Singing gave him a great outlet and he loved to sing. 

    Anyway, his academic studies were very poor. The 11+ exam was looming and he was 8 years of age with no hope. I thought I had investigated every avenue available. By chance my mother heard about a program being run in Dublin for children with learning difficulties: ADHD, dyspraxia etc.  I contacted Cluas – my son completed an extended program. And today I have a very happy well-adjusted teenager. He attends a Grammar school, plays lots of sport, is top of his league in rugby, has lots of friends, is quite mature and trustworthy. He an A star pupil who is popular with both his teachers and classmates. 

    From the place my son was at before doing the Cluas program to where he is now in my view is a miracle. My family and friends cannot believe the difference. It is definitely one of the best things I could ever have given to my son in life. 

    Thank you Pascal and the team. 

    Ursula, June 2013 – Co. Armagh 

  • Eoin, age 8 – Attention and Concentration difficulties

    Eoin, age 8 – Attention and Concentration difficulties

    “… we went for an initial consultation and a lot of what they were saying made sense so we decided to try the Cluas program…People close to him cannot believe the change…. I would highly recommend Cluas to anyone who can relate to our story …”

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    “… People close to him cannot believe the change…. I would highly recommend Cluas to anyone who can relate to our story …”

    Before entering the Cluas program our son Eoin could not concentrate for more than a minute. This affected his school and family life, he was falling behind in school even though he was intelligent. Homework was 2 hours long with constant fights. 

    We could not trust him alone with his 4 year old sister as he was aggressive towards her. His behaviour was at times embarrassing and often led to us leaving a restaurant or wherever it was we were. ADHD, Aspergers and other conditions were mentioned, but not diagnosed. 

    We were recommended to Cluas by our son’s teacher. After an initial consultation a lot of what they were saying made sense and so we put our trust in Cluas. We organised Eoin to finish school early to incentivise him to do the Cluas Program. Some days were hard but with guidance from Cluas we made most sessions fun. 

    Today Eoin is 9 and every other day he comes home from school with a star for working hard or being the best at something. Homework is now 30-40 minutes, and his sister loves playing with him now. The people close to him cannot believe his personality change. 

    I would highly recommend Cluas to anyone who can relate to our story. 

    Adam, September 2013 – Co. Kilkenny 

  • Ciaran, age 17 – Attention Difficulties

    Ciaran, age 17 – Attention Difficulties

    “… he is much more focused, better organised and more easily able to concentrate both in class and at home. He has matured significantly and we are sure that the Cluas program has contributed …”

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    Ciaran and his parents came to Cluas in Dublin in November 2012 for an Assessment and within a few weeks Ciaran started a Cluas @ Home program. 

    We embarked on the Cluas program in an effort to help Ciaran settle better into the classroom environment in preparation for his Leaving Certificate. Since he started in 5th year we have found that he is much more focused, better organised and more easily able to concentrate both in class and at home.  He has matured significantly and we are sure that the Cluas program has contributed, coinciding with his Transition Year experience and his own personal development.    

    Una, November 2013 – Dublin 

  • Anna, age 11 – Attention Difficulties 

    Anna, age 11 – Attention Difficulties 

    “… Concentrating better in class and her general confidence levels have increased … Enjoying school more generally…”

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    • Feed back from teacher is that she is concentrating better in class now.  
    • Her general confidence levels have increased both in school and outside. 
    • She has more interest in school generally and is enjoying it more. 

    Eileen, December 2013 – Co. Wicklow 

  • Frank, age 11 – Attention Difficulties & Behaviour problems 

    Frank, age 11 – Attention Difficulties & Behaviour problems 

    “…His behaviour and attention has improved greatly … he is a lot happier in school and is becoming more confident … His relationship with his siblings is better and he also communicates more with myself and his father. “

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    Initially Frank attended Cluas regarding his behaviour and attention span. He lacked concentration in all areas, was not able to follow instructions and suffered from aggression. 

    He has improved greatly in all of the above, with the exception of the odd outburst. His relationship with his siblings is better and he also communicates more with myself and his father. 

    He has started to mature a little and seems to ask lots of questions. He is a lot happier in school and is becoming more confident. 

    The most difficult time was probably the few days after each stage was completed. 

    Mary and Alan, December 2013 – Co. Down