Sensory Processing Difficulties

  • Daniel, age 3 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Attention Difficulties and Sensory Processing Difficulties

    Daniel, age 3 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Attention Difficulties and Sensory Processing Difficulties

    ‘’…The first meeting with Ronan opened our awareness to sensory issues and we began our journey of learning the ways we could support Daniel. Daniel began the Cluas at home sound therapy programme in June. After the first stage we could see so much improvement in Daniel’s play, eye contact, listening and concentration skills…”

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    Daniel aged 2 1\2 had few words. His attention was very poor. Daniel wouldn’t respond to his name when being called. His interactions with his family, relatives and peers were poor. He would get extremely upset and frustrated throwing himself on the floor and banging his head. He lived in his own world and would only communicate in his own way if he needed something. 

    Cluas was recommended to us by a friend. Ronan was a fantastic support from the beginning. He made us feel comfortable and relaxed as we shared our concerns about Daniel. The first meeting with Ronan opened our awareness to sensory issues and we began our journey of learning the ways we could support Daniel. Daniel began the Cluas at home sound therapy programme in June. After the first stage we could see so much improvement in Daniel’s play, eye contact, listening and concentration skills. Words started to be spoken. 

    Daniel has completed the 3 stages and his interactions and relationships with us have improved immensely. He now plays with his parents and older sister. He interacts with relatives. His voice can be heard with a lot of singing tones and words. There is a very happy boys laughter with lots of fun and enjoyment in our lives today compared to when he was just in his own world. 

    Daniel started preschool in his creche in September and has settled into this group change extremely positively. He is engaging better with staff and peers. 

    There are so many positive things we can say about Ronan and the Cluas programme and would have no difficulty recommending it. Thank you Ronan for all your help and support. 

    Georgina, October 2022 – Co. Westmeath 

  • Karl, age 7 – Sensory Processing Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Karl, age 7 – Sensory Processing Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “We attended over a number of months and took the programme very seriously at home, following all the advice Ronan gave us to get the best out of it. Gradually, we started to notice improvements in his ability to filter out noise. By the end of the programme, going into a supermarket, a coffee shop…

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    My son was almost 7 when we decided to go to Cluas. He has been very sensitive to noise since he was a baby and was diagnosed with sensory processing difficulties at 3 years old. We attended occupational therapy to help with his sensory challenges, which helped greatly, but the one area there was no improvement, was his auditory processing difficulties. He was unable to filter out the noises around him and found the world a very overwhelming place. This became an even bigger issue when he started primary school, facing a noisy class and yard every day. We went to Ronan in Cluas to see if he could help. We attended over a number of months and took the programme very seriously at home, following all the advice Ronan gave us to get the best out of it. Gradually, we started to notice improvements in his ability to filter out noise. By the end of the programme, going into a supermarket, a coffee shop or any noisy environment was no longer a source of immense overwhelm and stress. His behaviour began to improve at home and school and we started to notice a consistent level of calm about him. The changes were very clear to see and we have no doubt it was because he did the listening programme with Ronan in Cluas. We can’t thank Ronan enough and would recommend to parents trying to seek help for their child.

    Mum of content little boy, September 2024 – Dublin 

  • Michael, age 4 – Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sensory Processing Difficulties  

    Michael, age 4 – Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sensory Processing Difficulties  

    “After his autism diagnosis we were totally lost as to what to do next…We met Ronan in November 2019 and he was able to explain all of Michael’s symptoms to me really quickly and why they were happening…I felt an incredible lift understanding how ears can have such a detrimental effect on everything…”

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    From a very early age Michael was continuously sick with chest and ear infections. By the time he was 2 years old he was prescribed over 11 antibiotics. 

    At 2.5 he showed a speech delay and coupled with this he was not happy. He was always so upset. I got Michael’s hearing checked but nothing seemed to show up. Until a year and a half later we caught that he had a perforated ear drum which impaired his hearing and was likely very painful. 

    At this point he was going through the Assessment Of Need, from which after a he was diagnosed with autism (social challenges) and he was advised to go to a special school. This was difficult news for us to process. 

    After this Michael got grommets inserted and this was our first step to incredible changes for Michael. 

    After his diagnosis we were totally lost as to what to do next. He was so behind developmentally. He carried around CDs like he would a teddy bear. He was very self absorbed. Everything was about Michael. His anxiety was through the roof and with all of this going on our family was finding things very hard. 

    One night I sat down and googled ears and developmental delays. CLUAS appeared and I researched this website. The testimonials strongly endorsed what Cluas were doing. I rang Ronan and we started the process. 

    I entered the office full of fear not knowing what was going on with Michael and hoping Ronan would be able to help us. 

    We met Ronan in November 2019 and he was able to explain all of Michael’s symptoms to me really quickly and why they were happening. Knowledge is power and I felt an incredible lift understanding how ears can have such a detrimental effect on everything. I had no idea. 

    Michael’s Cluas program was broken into three stages as described on the website and my worry of Michael not wearing the headphones was soon overturned with a little persuasion. 

    Ronan advised to get in touch with a dietician and to think about removing gluten and dairy. This was great advice and has made a notable difference also. It was difficult to get him settled on the new diet and it took a bit of planning, but once established, we could tell it was adding to the momentum. 

    On stage 1 of the headphones there is two hours of play a day and in these times I got to understand Michael and his strengths and what he found hard and the whole process brought us both closer and more connected. It was hard emotionally as he seemed to take a few steps back a lot but it was for the best and Ronan’s availability, support and clarity was invaluable. 

    Michael went through this process when he was 4. He is just turning 6 now. 

    He is not in a special school. He is in mainstream junior infants. 

    Michael’s teacher recently quoted ‘ he is one of the most popular boys in the class’ ‘ yard is his favourite time so he can play chase with his friends’ ‘ Irish is his favourite subject’ and he listens very attentively in class and he is always smiling. 

    Michael’s challenges are fine motor; he finds handwriting hard and when the class is really noisy with thirty kids he finds it hard to concentrate working alone. This positive feedback has made us a very happy family. 

    We have come a long way and a huge thank you to Ronan for being Michael’s portal to health and happiness. 

    Robert, February 2021- Dublin 

  • Ben, age 11 – Attention Difficulties, Auditory & Sensory Processing Difficulties 

    Ben, age 11 – Attention Difficulties, Auditory & Sensory Processing Difficulties 

    “…he was struggling not just with school work and relationships – but everyday life at home – he was always in trouble for now paying attention / not concentrating / lacking interest / not caring…now he can much better filter the ‘noise’ and concentrate on tasks…”

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    There were a number of factors that led to Ben doing a Cluas program at home – he lacked concentration in the sense that he would flit from one activity to another and couldn’t sit still as they say for any length of time. Ben’s name could be called many, many times a day and it was as though he couldn’t hear me. He, if asked to carry out more than one instruction at a time, say go to your room and get your schoolbag and call your brother – and don’t forget to turn out the light – he may if we were lucky remember one of the tasks. 

    Often he would get distracted and I may find he had moved onto something else and wouldn’t have accomplished any of the tasks. Homework was more often than not a struggle most of the time – Ben has two other brothers and finding the time and to be honest patience (SOME DAYS) was taking its toll on family life. Homework often ended in tears … and I could see his frustration building especially as he became a little bigger and more was expected of him at school. 

    I don’t mean to compare him to his older brother but he rarely read any books and it was always something we as a family encouraged. He fought with his brothers often and now I can see looking back that he was confused and frustrated – who could blame him? 

    So to school – Ben had many friends – anyone who meets him instantly is drawn to him – he is a bright, warm, bubbly child but he often said that he didn’t feel that he fit into a group and felt alone at school. He said that he had people to talk to and have fun with but felt a little like an outsider – this as you can imagine would break your heart and to see him sad like this at times was unbearable. 

    This I must stress has all changed and his whole world has opened up and he skips into school now and is so much happier. Academically Ben to an extent was holding his own at school – but each teacher he has had through the years always came back with the same … he lacks concentration at times, he can’t seem to focus on his work, daydreams, so this coupled with what I saw at home over many years led me to Cluas. 

    I could see that he was struggling not just with school work and relationships – but everyday life at home – he was always in trouble for now paying attention / not concentrating / lacking interest / not caring….and I was turning into the mother from hell !!!! God love the poor child! 

    He gets along fine with his brothers and I guess will always have bad days … that’s what brothers are there for – to fight with and learn from I guess but it must be said that although arguments happened and will in the future, Ben is not a physical child and any trouble can be smoothed over pretty easily. 

    Ben will go out to play with the other boys on the road now – even without his older brother – whom I think used to mind him and almost fill in the blanks for him. Before I did notice on many occasions that he wouldn’t go out to play when people called and this concerned me greatly but now that has all changed. 

    He is definitely happier at school. He has made new friends and seems to have found a new group of people – while still retaining his old pals. He has found boys he has stuff in common with – I think his communication skills have improved greatly and is discerning what he likes and doesn’t. 

    We had a chat last night as we knew we were on the last leg of our journey with Cluas so to speak and Ben says he can hear things in school more easily – for instance, where he sits there are photocopiers on the corridor outside his classroom – before when he heard them he couldn’t stop hearing them and he wouldn’t be able to listen to the teacher and now he can still hear the noise but can recognise that he doesn’t need to listen to it and can continue to hear the teacher. Likewise he says when two classmates at either side of him say something at the same time he can control who he wants to listen to and answer. 

    He has taken to writing poetry and I was at a recital yesterday where he stood on stage and recited it to us. He reads so much more now and even has an opinion on what books and authors he likes. His sport has improved – he says it is easier to play now as he can differentiate who is calling to pass the ball! 

    I have seen a dramatic change in Ben and how he responds to us at home – he will hear you when you call him, He is far more aware of what is going on around him and I don’t have to keep calling him to get a response like I did before. Insofar as completing tasks he is now far more switched on – he won’t always get the three or four thing I may ask him to, but very often he does … go Ben !!!! 

    I have learnt from this too – how to slow down a little when I speak and not to expect too much and I think that helps a lot too. 

    Natalie, June 2014 – Dublin 

  • Owen, age 12 – Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder 

    Owen, age 12 – Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder 

    “Owen is a 12 year old boy with gross motor dyspraxia and sensory integration dysfunction.  Before the programme he had difficulty sleeping, concentrating for long periods and bi lateral coordination. Following the Cluas programme he is sleeping better and achieving more of his potential at school. He is generally calmer and happier. I would strongly…

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    “Owen is a 12 year old boy with gross motor dyspraxia and sensory integration dysfunction.  Before the programme he had difficulty sleeping, concentrating for long periods and bi lateral coordination. Following the Cluas programme he is sleeping better and achieving more of his potential at school. He is generally calmer and happier. I would strongly recommend this programme.” 

    Patricia, June 2017 – Dublin

  • Soracha, age 16 – Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Difficulties 

    Soracha, age 16 – Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Difficulties 

    “… Soracha was refusing to go to school and since starting the Cluas program she has greatly improved in her self-esteem. It was a bit of a struggle to get her to keep the headphones on but as she noticed the improvements she did not mind it anymore…”

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    Soracha had major difficulty starting in fifth year in school and was refusing to go to School. Soracha started the Cluas programme in November ‘15.  She got sick during the course and Ronan and Pascal had great patience with her and gave extra time for the programme.

    Soracha has changed school but we have noticed  improvement in her self-esteem.  She acknowledges how well she can concentrate now and is reading novels.  She will do her school work without nagging and seems to enjoy it more.

    At the start she was not too happy with the ear phones for a whole two hours but as she noticed the improvement she did not mind the second and third part of the programme.

    I would recommend this programme to any young person with dyspraxia.

    Siobhan, June 2016 – Co. Galway 

  • Jack, age 6 – Auditory & Sensory Processing Difficulties

    Jack, age 6 – Auditory & Sensory Processing Difficulties

    “…Our concern was his listening skills and sensitivity to noises…I came across a condition called auditory processing disorder which can be caused by severe ear infections .. We started the Cluas program and the changes in Jack have been hugely positive…”

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    Our concern about Jack was his listening skills. I noticed that he just didn’t seem to follow commands and even when I spoke to him face to face it didn’t seem to register. School had noticed an issue with his listening skills also but found that once something was fully explained to him he could do it. 

    Jack was also afraid of loud noises, like hand dryers in toilets and the lawnmower: he used to say his ears hurt and he had mentioned that school was very noisy and he couldn’t hear the teacher. 

    So I did my own research and came across a condition called auditory processing disorder which can be caused by severe ear infections which Jack had as a baby. So we decided to give Cluas a call and make an appointment, which was the best call we ever made. 

    The changes in Jack have been huge, from the teachers at school noticing his listening skills are much better, engaging with his peers and forming friendships – asking his friends to come back for playdates without telling me sometimes! and most wonderful of all was the change at home – seeing his sense of humour developing, interacting and taking charge in games, more self esteem and much more confident in himself, he’s not as tired and has more zest for life. 

    I found the most difficult time during the program was keeping him on track towards the end. It was getting harder and harder to get him to engage but by and large the changes in Jack far out weighted a few tears because he didn’t want to do his magic music!! 

    Jennifer, February 2014 – Co. Meath 

  • Peadar, age 5 – Sensory Processing Disorder 

    Peadar, age 5 – Sensory Processing Disorder 

    “…Without the Cluas staff’s personal concern and experience, I don’t think he would have progressed as far as he has.  Peadar may never filter sound as effectively as the average person but he can now tolerate, cope and live with it in a way that has improved his and our family’s quality of life…”

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    Peadar was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder at 3 years old. He would get distressed in noisy environments, becoming hyper or even noisier himself and he always talked at the top of his voice in supermarkets, cafés, playgrounds etc.  I was concerned about how he would cope in school, both in the classroom and noisy yard. 

    Cluas was recommended to me and he did their consultation at 4 ½ years old.  It showed his hypersensitivity to noise and his inability to filter background sounds effectively.  The moment Peadar started the therapy, he showed improvements in balance, ability to focus on play without seeking feedback from me, reduced sensitivity to touching textures he didn’t like (e.g. certain foods and water), and was more patient with his noisy little brother.  Some days, the music overstimulated him but I was able to contact Cluas at any time and they always responded immediately with advice and solutions that best helped Peadar to cope and continue.  This individual attention was replicated in the response to the continuing consultations, where Peadar’s specific needs were reflected in the tailoring and tweaking of the programme to help him progress. 

    Over the course of the Cluas programme, friends and relatives have commented on how much more socially engaged Peadar is, holding two-way conversations and reacting calmer and more naturally with other children in noisy places.  The big test came on the first day of school with nearly 400 kids and their parents filling the concrete walled yard with incredible noise.  Peadar never covered his ears, never cried, and didn’t shout!  He spotted his friends and went over to play with them, showing no signs of distress from the noise.  Amazing.  He now comes home from school full of chat about what he learnt, so I know he is filtering sound and listening to his teacher. 

    Peadar required a number of extra therapy stages before showing a lasting effect but they have been worth it.  After the final stage, he even stopped talking at the top of his voice!  Without the Cluas staff’s personal concern and experience, I don’t think he would have progressed as far as he has.  Peadar may never filter sound as effectively as the average person but he can now tolerate, cope and live with it in a way that has improved his and our family’s quality of life – thanks to the Cluas staff and their listening programme. 

    Laura, September 2017 – Dublin 

  • Brendan, age 6 – Sensory Processing Difficulties

    Brendan, age 6 – Sensory Processing Difficulties

    “…Brendan was diagnosed with a SPD and the Cluas program was recommended to us by the occupational therapist…He has now finished the program, and we are thrilled with the results… He now loves school and his teacher is delighted with him and with how much he has improved…”

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    Once Brendan started school it became apparent that all was not right. He was lost in his school work and had no confidence. He was a very cross little boy. He was diagnosed with a SPD and the Cluas program was recommended to us by the OT. 

    We were willing to try anything to help Brendan. 

    He is now finished the program and we are thrilled with the results. Our happy little boy is back. His school work has hugely improved, everyone who knows him has commented on the positive changed in him. 

    He craves knowledge and loves to show you what he knows. His tantrums are gone or at least are normal for a six year old. 

    It certainly was a challenge for Brendan going through the program but we kept it positive for him and bribed him as needed to get it done! 

    He himself can see the changes. He now loves school and his teacher is delighted with him and with how much he has improved. 

    Thank you Pascal and Ronan for running this wonderful program. 

    Claire, March 2017 – Dublin