Peadar was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder at 3 years old. He would get distressed in noisy environments, becoming hyper or even noisier himself and he always talked at the top of his voice in supermarkets, cafés, playgrounds etc.  I was concerned about how he would cope in school, both in the classroom and noisy yard. 

Cluas was recommended to me and he did their consultation at 4 ½ years old.  It showed his hypersensitivity to noise and his inability to filter background sounds effectively.  The moment Peadar started the therapy, he showed improvements in balance, ability to focus on play without seeking feedback from me, reduced sensitivity to touching textures he didn’t like (e.g. certain foods and water), and was more patient with his noisy little brother.  Some days, the music overstimulated him but I was able to contact Cluas at any time and they always responded immediately with advice and solutions that best helped Peadar to cope and continue.  This individual attention was replicated in the response to the continuing consultations, where Peadar’s specific needs were reflected in the tailoring and tweaking of the programme to help him progress. 

Over the course of the Cluas programme, friends and relatives have commented on how much more socially engaged Peadar is, holding two-way conversations and reacting calmer and more naturally with other children in noisy places.  The big test came on the first day of school with nearly 400 kids and their parents filling the concrete walled yard with incredible noise.  Peadar never covered his ears, never cried, and didn’t shout!  He spotted his friends and went over to play with them, showing no signs of distress from the noise.  Amazing.  He now comes home from school full of chat about what he learnt, so I know he is filtering sound and listening to his teacher. 

Peadar required a number of extra therapy stages before showing a lasting effect but they have been worth it.  After the final stage, he even stopped talking at the top of his voice!  Without the Cluas staff’s personal concern and experience, I don’t think he would have progressed as far as he has.  Peadar may never filter sound as effectively as the average person but he can now tolerate, cope and live with it in a way that has improved his and our family’s quality of life – thanks to the Cluas staff and their listening programme. 

Laura, September 2017 – Dublin