Auditory Processing Difficulties

  • Robert, age 10 – Auditory Processing Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorders 

    Robert, age 10 – Auditory Processing Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorders 

    “… Since the Cluas program, my son has changed in his ability to communicate, listen and interact with his peers and adults. This has greatly reduced his stress levels and melt downs… He even goes on play-dates now!“

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    150 views since Apr 2025

    Since the Cluas program, my son has changed in his ability to communicate, listen and interact with his peers and adults. This has greatly reduced his stress levels – which was the main reason for doing the Cluas program. 

    His time in school has gone from a stressful one with “melt downs”, toiletry issues, lack of friends and “zoning out” to one where he now has friends, can interact in class and has lost the stress that showed before. He doesn’t walk on his toes as much, he willingly approaches visiting adults to talk. He has stopped bed wetting totally which use to occur during term time, another example of his stresses at school. He even goes on play-dates now! 

    The most difficult time of the program was the start as we had to try and incorporate it into our busy day and to find things to do that were of interest. Once we got into a routine, it was easier. 

    Cathy and John, January 2014 – Cork 

  • Jack, age 6 – Auditory & Sensory Processing Difficulties

    Jack, age 6 – Auditory & Sensory Processing Difficulties

    “…Our concern was his listening skills and sensitivity to noises…I came across a condition called auditory processing disorder which can be caused by severe ear infections .. We started the Cluas program and the changes in Jack have been hugely positive…”

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    148 views since Apr 2025

    Our concern about Jack was his listening skills. I noticed that he just didn’t seem to follow commands and even when I spoke to him face to face it didn’t seem to register. School had noticed an issue with his listening skills also but found that once something was fully explained to him he could do it. 

    Jack was also afraid of loud noises, like hand dryers in toilets and the lawnmower: he used to say his ears hurt and he had mentioned that school was very noisy and he couldn’t hear the teacher. 

    So I did my own research and came across a condition called auditory processing disorder which can be caused by severe ear infections which Jack had as a baby. So we decided to give Cluas a call and make an appointment, which was the best call we ever made. 

    The changes in Jack have been huge, from the teachers at school noticing his listening skills are much better, engaging with his peers and forming friendships – asking his friends to come back for playdates without telling me sometimes! and most wonderful of all was the change at home – seeing his sense of humour developing, interacting and taking charge in games, more self esteem and much more confident in himself, he’s not as tired and has more zest for life. 

    I found the most difficult time during the program was keeping him on track towards the end. It was getting harder and harder to get him to engage but by and large the changes in Jack far out weighted a few tears because he didn’t want to do his magic music!! 

    Jennifer, February 2014 – Co. Meath 

  • Lee, age 3.5 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Auditory Processing Difficulties 

    Lee, age 3.5 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Auditory Processing Difficulties 

    “…The HSE had stopped his speech therapy and occupational therapy as he was getting so frustrated with it… Since Cluas he is a different child. His understanding has greatly improved and he has a lot more words than before…he seems to be able and ready for speech therapy now…”

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    115 views since Apr 2025

    Lee started Cluas in the middle of the summer. Back then he had very limited vocabulary and his understanding was very poor. He was very isolated too, playing by himself and appearing to be in his own little world. 

    He was also very clingy towards me and would not leave my side when we were out, making any sort of day trips or visits to people’s houses’ quite difficult. 

    The HSE had stopped his speech therapy and occupational therapy as he was getting so frustrated with it as he didn’t understand it – head banging during sessions when pushed beyond his capabilities. 

    Since Cluas he is a different child. His understanding has greatly improved and he has a lot more words than before. He is even starting to put two word sentences together and seems to be able and ready for speech therapy now. 

    He is a calmer, happier child and is so much more interactive with us and his friends and cousins. The frustration has stopped and so has the headbanging. The clinginess has also stopped and Lee has even started Montessori 5 mornings a week, something that I did not think was possible 3 months ago. 

    Cluas has changed our lives and really helped Lee, I would recommend it 100% and thank the team for helping Lee and us as a family. 

    Cindy, October 2014 – Dublin 

  • Caroline, age 10 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Caroline, age 10 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “…Caroline thrived throughout the experience and any emotional glitches she went through, the Cluas staff were on hand to re-assure us, that it was all part of the process…”

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    108 views since Apr 2025

    We went through the ‘At Home’ Cluas program in 2012/13. We found the process to be very easy to manage from home. Caroline was much more comfortable and relaxed in her familiar environment and with the chunk of your daily routine taken up with the listening program, it was definitely much better not to have to add on the travel time to and from the Cluas centre. 

    We found the support from the Cluas staff to be excellent. They were very thorough in training us to use the listening player and gave us a very comprehensive folder which made the exercises fool proof! They also checked to make sure everything went well. Caroline thrived throughout the experience and any emotional glitches she went through, the Cluas staff were on hand to re-assure us, that it was all part of the process. 

    Kathy, April 2013 – Dublin 

  • Valerie, age 13 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Valerie, age 13 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “… She told me one day that she felt she had difficulty hearing. I knew her hearing itself was fine so suspected it was a processing issue …We are now finished with the program and we are looking at big differences…”

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    102 views since Apr 2025

    Prior to the Cluas program, my daughter would not have had obvious hearing or processing difficulties. But she did say very often, “Wait. What?” Also, she had some behaviours which could be considered badgering or impatient, even a little hyper. 

    She told me one day that she felt she had difficulty hearing. I knew her hearing itself was fine so suspected it was a processing issue. A Cluas evaluation confirmed this to be accurate and we commenced the program. 

    What a difference! After the first period of the program I noticed the impatience had diminished. After the second segment it was gone altogether. Soon the whole family noticed that Valerie was no longer hyper. 

    We are now finished with the program and we are looking at big differences. I would say my daughter is happier, more relaxed and the ‘”Wait. What?”‘ moments have all but disappeared. Her concentration has improved and she is a visibly more confident student. 

    I am so grateful for this positive, non-drug, life changing treatment. 

    Karen, November 2013 – Co. Monaghan 

  • Rory, age 6 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Rory, age 6 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “… His concentration has now improved at home and at school…As parents we find he understands what is being asked better now … he’s more co-operative…”

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    101 views since Apr 2025

    Rory found it difficult to understand what he had to do in school and would bring home school work uncompleted. 

    His concentration has now improved at home and he understands what I’m asking him when it comes to his homework. 

    He was always quiet at the dinner table but would shout when he wanted to say something. Now we encourage him to have his turn and listen to others – and he is now able to do this. As parents we find he understands what is being asked better now. I don’t have to repeat myself as much with him and he’s more co-operative. 

    By the last set of sessions of his Cluas program he said he was ‘tired’ of the program – but once he got the headphones on he responded better than the other earlier sessions.  

    Rachel, October 2013 – Dublin