
  • Soracha, age 16 – Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Difficulties 

    Soracha, age 16 – Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Difficulties 

    “… Soracha was refusing to go to school and since starting the Cluas program she has greatly improved in her self-esteem. It was a bit of a struggle to get her to keep the headphones on but as she noticed the improvements she did not mind it anymore…”

    Soracha had major difficulty starting in fifth year in school and was refusing to go to School. Soracha started the Cluas programme in November ‘15.  She got sick during the course and Ronan and Pascal had great patience with her and gave extra time for the programme.

    Soracha has changed school but we have noticed  improvement in her self-esteem.  She acknowledges how well she can concentrate now and is reading novels.  She will do her school work without nagging and seems to enjoy it more.

    At the start she was not too happy with the ear phones for a whole two hours but as she noticed the improvement she did not mind the second and third part of the programme.

    I would recommend this programme to any young person with dyspraxia.

    Siobhan, June 2016 – Co. Galway 

  • Rian, age 4 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Rian, age 4 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorder

    “…My son, age 4, was non-verbal, showing some characteristics of Autism. He was in his own world, anti-social, and would often get very upset for no apparent reason… Since starting the Cluas programme we noticed big changes in him. The humming was gone. He became more focused and aware of everything happening around him…”

    My son, age 4, was non-verbal, showing some characteristics of Autism. He was in his own world, anti-social, and would often get very upset for no apparent reason, spend a lot of his time humming to himself, to name a few. I came across the Cluas.ie website and felt that he needed this to help him. So, after talking to Pascal, my husband and I started the Cluas programme without any delay. 

    Within days of the first session, we noticed big changes in him. The humming was gone. He became more focused and aware of everything happening around him. It is as if he has come out of a dream. He heard us every time we called him. He would respond to us all the time, anywhere we are. He became curious about everything, even at school. Most of all, speech started coming. Initially this was just single words. He was not upset like before because he was expressing himself using his words. 

    Now he is happier being around his big sister and even playing with her. Interaction has started at school as well. He got a girlfriend (!) recently, which is an amazing thing that we did not believe was going to happen. He is even interacting with other adults in the school. He likes running around and playing catch with everybody in the park. He is listening to his teacher, sharing toys with his friends and even knows most of his friends’ names. He feels more grown up now, and he is even comforting his big sister when she is crying. 

    The most difficult part was to get him to keep the headphones on. When Pascal explained the program to us, we said he is not going to do that for sure. But we were determined to change him. So we changed ourselves first by becoming more firm, deciding to stick to whatever we were telling him to do. 

    The crying was always breaking our heart but we just kept going. The more he progressed, the more we got the courage to stick to the program. Now, I have my son, who is saying full sentences, wants to go out to play, is always looking for us, and is a happy child around his family, and no longer in his own little world. 

    Just a message to parents out there, don’t think twice about the program if you want to get your child back. It is a very hard path, but you will eventually get there. Where there is a will, there is always a way.  

    Siobhan and Kevin, June 2014 – Dublin 

  • Killian, age 4 – Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Killian, age 4 – Autism Spectrum Disorder

    “Diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at three years of age Killian’s parents didn’t know where to turn next to help their child. But after hearing about Cluas from a friend, Robert and his wife decided to contact Cluas – an Irish organisation who provide programs for children who show signs of development delay.”

    SEE VIDEO!!!


    Terrible quality but can we incorporate 

    Robert, May 2016 – Co. Longford 

  • Tristan, age 3 – Autism Spectrum Disorder 

    Tristan, age 3 – Autism Spectrum Disorder 

    “… he’s a completely different child… he has speech, to a degree … but considering where he was starting, it’s bordering on miraculous…”

    Derek Mooney is joined in the studio by Eddie, father of 3 year old Tristan who was diagnosed with Autism and has completed an extended Cluas program, with very good results. 

    (Broadcast on RTE Radio 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDrRDsyfrqo 

    Eddie, May 2016 – Co. Meath 

  • Caroline, age 10 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Caroline, age 10 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “…Caroline thrived throughout the experience and any emotional glitches she went through, the Cluas staff were on hand to re-assure us, that it was all part of the process…”

    We went through the ‘At Home’ Cluas program in 2012/13. We found the process to be very easy to manage from home. Caroline was much more comfortable and relaxed in her familiar environment and with the chunk of your daily routine taken up with the listening program, it was definitely much better not to have to add on the travel time to and from the Cluas centre. 

    We found the support from the Cluas staff to be excellent. They were very thorough in training us to use the listening player and gave us a very comprehensive folder which made the exercises fool proof! They also checked to make sure everything went well. Caroline thrived throughout the experience and any emotional glitches she went through, the Cluas staff were on hand to re-assure us, that it was all part of the process. 

    Kathy, April 2013 – Dublin 

  • Niall, age 5 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Speech & Language Difficulties

    Niall, age 5 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Speech & Language Difficulties

    “…Since doing the Cluas program his speech and communication has improved drastically. His understanding has also improved and his Speech and Language therapist is amazed at the rate of improvement…”

    Niall was diagnosed as being on the Autistic spectrum and having a learning disability as well as speech and language delay. Since doing the Cluas program his speech and communication has improved drastically. His understanding has also improved and his Speech and Language therapist is amazed at the rate of improvement. 

    His school say ‘he is a different child’ in terms of how well his speech and understanding have come on. His learning disability is now quite mild so that it has become easier for the teachers to teach Niall new things, which he is now able to grasp very quickly. His body language has changed and improved so much that a stranger would not be able to tell that he has difficulties. Things have also become less stressful at home as he is able to play more appropriately alone and with his brother. 

    Susan, May 2013 – Dublin 

  • Conor, age 8 –ADHD, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia

    Conor, age 8 –ADHD, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia

    “… From the minute Conor came in to the world he was challenging. He never slept, he had colic, he ‘head banged’ along with numerous other difficulties…Today I have a very happy teenager … family and friends cannot believe the difference…”

    Conor and his mother, Ursula, came to Cluas in Dublin in 2005 where Conor completed an extended Cluas program – initially three stages and then a further five stages in the following year – in total eight stages. 

    In June 2013 Ursula decided that Conor’s younger brother would also complete a Cluas program, which started in September 2013. She told us how Conor was now getting on and also some of his earlier background: 

    From the minute Conor came in to the world he was challenging. He never slept, he had colic, he ‘head banged’ along with numerous other difficulties. During his early years I took him to numerous natural and medical practices to try to get both of us some help in coping with these problems – without much success. 

    Eventually we got a diagnosis of ADHD. He was also diagnosed with Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. At this point my son was finding school extremely difficult and receiving no support or help. Here I need to mention something very important: the choir mistress took my son under her wing. Singing gave him a great outlet and he loved to sing. 

    Anyway, his academic studies were very poor. The 11+ exam was looming and he was 8 years of age with no hope. I thought I had investigated every avenue available. By chance my mother heard about a program being run in Dublin for children with learning difficulties: ADHD, dyspraxia etc.  I contacted Cluas – my son completed an extended program. And today I have a very happy well-adjusted teenager. He attends a Grammar school, plays lots of sport, is top of his league in rugby, has lots of friends, is quite mature and trustworthy. He an A star pupil who is popular with both his teachers and classmates. 

    From the place my son was at before doing the Cluas program to where he is now in my view is a miracle. My family and friends cannot believe the difference. It is definitely one of the best things I could ever have given to my son in life. 

    Thank you Pascal and the team. 

    Ursula, June 2013 – Co. Armagh 

  • Rory, age 6 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Rory, age 6 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “… His concentration has now improved at home and at school…As parents we find he understands what is being asked better now … he’s more co-operative…”

    Rory found it difficult to understand what he had to do in school and would bring home school work uncompleted. 

    His concentration has now improved at home and he understands what I’m asking him when it comes to his homework. 

    He was always quiet at the dinner table but would shout when he wanted to say something. Now we encourage him to have his turn and listen to others – and he is now able to do this. As parents we find he understands what is being asked better now. I don’t have to repeat myself as much with him and he’s more co-operative. 

    By the last set of sessions of his Cluas program he said he was ‘tired’ of the program – but once he got the headphones on he responded better than the other earlier sessions.  

    Rachel, October 2013 – Dublin 

  • Eoin, age 8 – Attention and Concentration difficulties

    Eoin, age 8 – Attention and Concentration difficulties

    “… we went for an initial consultation and a lot of what they were saying made sense so we decided to try the Cluas program…People close to him cannot believe the change…. I would highly recommend Cluas to anyone who can relate to our story …”

    “… People close to him cannot believe the change…. I would highly recommend Cluas to anyone who can relate to our story …”

    Before entering the Cluas program our son Eoin could not concentrate for more than a minute. This affected his school and family life, he was falling behind in school even though he was intelligent. Homework was 2 hours long with constant fights. 

    We could not trust him alone with his 4 year old sister as he was aggressive towards her. His behaviour was at times embarrassing and often led to us leaving a restaurant or wherever it was we were. ADHD, Aspergers and other conditions were mentioned, but not diagnosed. 

    We were recommended to Cluas by our son’s teacher. After an initial consultation a lot of what they were saying made sense and so we put our trust in Cluas. We organised Eoin to finish school early to incentivise him to do the Cluas Program. Some days were hard but with guidance from Cluas we made most sessions fun. 

    Today Eoin is 9 and every other day he comes home from school with a star for working hard or being the best at something. Homework is now 30-40 minutes, and his sister loves playing with him now. The people close to him cannot believe his personality change. 

    I would highly recommend Cluas to anyone who can relate to our story. 

    Adam, September 2013 – Co. Kilkenny 

  • Sophie, age 5 – Speech & Language Difficulties 

    Sophie, age 5 – Speech & Language Difficulties 

    … Since starting on the Cluas Program Sophie’s personality has really progressed, she has much more confidence and often takes the lead in play situation …Her whole world has broadened and she wants to know everything about everything…”

    Our main concerns about Sophie were in relation to her pronunciation of words. Sophie only pronounces about 10-15% of her words with 100% accuracy. 

    This lead to her withdrawing from social situations where she was verbally challenged. Sophie was often left out or overlooked by her siblings and cousins. 

    Since starting on the Cluas Program Sophie’s personality has really progressed, she has much more confidence and often takes the lead in play situation rather than just following along. Her whole world has broadened and she wants to know everything about everything. 

    Before this Sophie just took a back seat while life passed her by, now she’s in the driver’s seat. 

    Laura, October 2013 – Co. Laois