Speech & Language difficulties

  • Niall, age 5 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Speech & Language Difficulties

    Niall, age 5 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Speech & Language Difficulties

    “…Since doing the Cluas program his speech and communication has improved drastically. His understanding has also improved and his Speech and Language therapist is amazed at the rate of improvement…”

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    66 views since Oct 2024

    Niall was diagnosed as being on the Autistic spectrum and having a learning disability as well as speech and language delay. Since doing the Cluas program his speech and communication has improved drastically. His understanding has also improved and his Speech and Language therapist is amazed at the rate of improvement. 

    His school say ‘he is a different child’ in terms of how well his speech and understanding have come on. His learning disability is now quite mild so that it has become easier for the teachers to teach Niall new things, which he is now able to grasp very quickly. His body language has changed and improved so much that a stranger would not be able to tell that he has difficulties. Things have also become less stressful at home as he is able to play more appropriately alone and with his brother. 

    Susan, May 2013 – Dublin 

  • Sophie, age 5 – Speech & Language Difficulties 

    Sophie, age 5 – Speech & Language Difficulties 

    … Since starting on the Cluas Program Sophie’s personality has really progressed, she has much more confidence and often takes the lead in play situation …Her whole world has broadened and she wants to know everything about everything…”

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    48 views since Oct 2024

    Our main concerns about Sophie were in relation to her pronunciation of words. Sophie only pronounces about 10-15% of her words with 100% accuracy. 

    This lead to her withdrawing from social situations where she was verbally challenged. Sophie was often left out or overlooked by her siblings and cousins. 

    Since starting on the Cluas Program Sophie’s personality has really progressed, she has much more confidence and often takes the lead in play situation rather than just following along. Her whole world has broadened and she wants to know everything about everything. 

    Before this Sophie just took a back seat while life passed her by, now she’s in the driver’s seat. 

    Laura, October 2013 – Co. Laois 

  • Lee, age 3.5 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Auditory Processing Difficulties 

    Lee, age 3.5 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Auditory Processing Difficulties 

    “…The HSE had stopped his speech therapy and occupational therapy as he was getting so frustrated with it… Since Cluas he is a different child. His understanding has greatly improved and he has a lot more words than before…he seems to be able and ready for speech therapy now…”

    Categories Posted 881 total views
    59 views since Oct 2024

    Lee started Cluas in the middle of the summer. Back then he had very limited vocabulary and his understanding was very poor. He was very isolated too, playing by himself and appearing to be in his own little world. 

    He was also very clingy towards me and would not leave my side when we were out, making any sort of day trips or visits to people’s houses’ quite difficult. 

    The HSE had stopped his speech therapy and occupational therapy as he was getting so frustrated with it as he didn’t understand it – head banging during sessions when pushed beyond his capabilities. 

    Since Cluas he is a different child. His understanding has greatly improved and he has a lot more words than before. He is even starting to put two word sentences together and seems to be able and ready for speech therapy now. 

    He is a calmer, happier child and is so much more interactive with us and his friends and cousins. The frustration has stopped and so has the headbanging. The clinginess has also stopped and Lee has even started Montessori 5 mornings a week, something that I did not think was possible 3 months ago. 

    Cluas has changed our lives and really helped Lee, I would recommend it 100% and thank the team for helping Lee and us as a family. 

    Cindy, October 2014 – Dublin