
  • Hugh, age 8 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyspraxia and Speech & Language Difficulties 

    Hugh, age 8 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyspraxia and Speech & Language Difficulties 

    “…A huge difference has been made in terms of speech and social skills and confidence in Hugh…I would recommend this programme to every parent as it has helped us so much and I am extremely grateful. Ronan can tailor the programme to suit your child’s needs. As soon as Hugh speech became perfect we concentrated…

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    Cluas has been absolutely wonderful for my 8 year old son. Hugh had speech delay and was diagnosed as having dyspraxia and ASD.  Hugh attended private speech therapy and public but he wasn’t improving. Hugh also found it hard to mix in the school yard. After the initial consultation with Ronan we found out this was because he didn’t know what direction sounds were coming from or hear voices over background noise.  

    We had great fun doing all the activities while he was wearing the head phones and in a matter of months Hugh was speaking perfectly. He got a brilliant report in school whereas 1 year previously we had just received his diagnosis and were very concerned about his future. Ronan can tailor the programme to suit your child’s needs. As soon as Hugh speech became perfect we concentrated on his social skills.  

    A huge difference has been made in terms of speech and social skills and confidence in Hugh. He is doing so well now and we also have the support of Cluas which has been brilliant. I would recommend this programme to every parent as it really helps children and can be the support to help them reach milestones they may not have met otherwise. It has helped us so much and I am extremely grateful. We will have Hugh assessed again but we are fairly sure his diagnosis will be revoked. We are so happy and I cannot thank Cluas enough.  

    Brian, August 2023 – Dublin 

  • Mina, age 38 – Dyspraxia 

    Mina, age 38 – Dyspraxia 

    “…I always felt different from others and struggled with poor gross and fine motor skills… Socializing in groups was challenging…I had difficulty processing information and had a poor sense of time and organisation. Since starting the Cluas therapy I quickly noticed improvements…better depth perception and clear differentiation between left and right…My concentration and control over…

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    I’m a 38-year-old female who has always felt different from others. I struggled with poor gross motor skills, like walking awkwardly and tripping for no reason, as well as poor fine motor skills, such as difficulty writing and using zippers. I also had a poor sense of direction and felt anxious driving, especially at night. Socializing in groups was challenging, and I often found myself in awkward situations. I had difficulty processing information and had a poor sense of time and organisation. Copying from the blackboard made me dizzy and nauseous. Despite these challenges, I worked hard to hide these traits, even pulling all-nighters for school tests at a young age. 

    I had my consultation with Ronan in October 2022. Starting therapy with Cluas later that month, I quickly noticed improvements. My driving skills dramatically improved, with better depth perception and clear differentiation between left and right. Studying became easier, and copying notes was no longer nauseating. My concentration and control over my tone of voice improved, making conversations in noisy environments more comfortable. 

    In May 2023, I had my final assessment, and I’m extremely pleased with the outcome of the therapy. Socialising is more enjoyable, and I even find myself singing, something I never did before. My overall mental well-being has drastically improved, and I no longer feel nauseous when reading or writing. My balance during yoga has improved, and I feel more emotionally stable, even with lack of sleep. Although there were moments during the program when I felt my brain was reverting to old habits, I have witnessed positive changes on a daily basis. Ronan reassured me that it takes time for the brain to fully embrace these changes, and occasional setbacks are normal. 

    Overall, the therapy has been life-changing, and I am grateful for the support and progress I’ve made. 

    Julia, May 2023 – Dublin 

  • Owen, age 12 – Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder 

    Owen, age 12 – Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder 

    “Owen is a 12 year old boy with gross motor dyspraxia and sensory integration dysfunction.  Before the programme he had difficulty sleeping, concentrating for long periods and bi lateral coordination. Following the Cluas programme he is sleeping better and achieving more of his potential at school. He is generally calmer and happier. I would strongly…

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    “Owen is a 12 year old boy with gross motor dyspraxia and sensory integration dysfunction.  Before the programme he had difficulty sleeping, concentrating for long periods and bi lateral coordination. Following the Cluas programme he is sleeping better and achieving more of his potential at school. He is generally calmer and happier. I would strongly recommend this programme.” 

    Patricia, June 2017 – Dublin

  • Soracha, age 16 – Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Difficulties 

    Soracha, age 16 – Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Difficulties 

    “… Soracha was refusing to go to school and since starting the Cluas program she has greatly improved in her self-esteem. It was a bit of a struggle to get her to keep the headphones on but as she noticed the improvements she did not mind it anymore…”

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    Soracha had major difficulty starting in fifth year in school and was refusing to go to School. Soracha started the Cluas programme in November ‘15.  She got sick during the course and Ronan and Pascal had great patience with her and gave extra time for the programme.

    Soracha has changed school but we have noticed  improvement in her self-esteem.  She acknowledges how well she can concentrate now and is reading novels.  She will do her school work without nagging and seems to enjoy it more.

    At the start she was not too happy with the ear phones for a whole two hours but as she noticed the improvement she did not mind the second and third part of the programme.

    I would recommend this programme to any young person with dyspraxia.

    Siobhan, June 2016 – Co. Galway 

  • Conor, age 8 –ADHD, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia

    Conor, age 8 –ADHD, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia

    “… From the minute Conor came in to the world he was challenging. He never slept, he had colic, he ‘head banged’ along with numerous other difficulties…Today I have a very happy teenager … family and friends cannot believe the difference…”

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    Conor and his mother, Ursula, came to Cluas in Dublin in 2005 where Conor completed an extended Cluas program – initially three stages and then a further five stages in the following year – in total eight stages. 

    In June 2013 Ursula decided that Conor’s younger brother would also complete a Cluas program, which started in September 2013. She told us how Conor was now getting on and also some of his earlier background: 

    From the minute Conor came in to the world he was challenging. He never slept, he had colic, he ‘head banged’ along with numerous other difficulties. During his early years I took him to numerous natural and medical practices to try to get both of us some help in coping with these problems – without much success. 

    Eventually we got a diagnosis of ADHD. He was also diagnosed with Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. At this point my son was finding school extremely difficult and receiving no support or help. Here I need to mention something very important: the choir mistress took my son under her wing. Singing gave him a great outlet and he loved to sing. 

    Anyway, his academic studies were very poor. The 11+ exam was looming and he was 8 years of age with no hope. I thought I had investigated every avenue available. By chance my mother heard about a program being run in Dublin for children with learning difficulties: ADHD, dyspraxia etc.  I contacted Cluas – my son completed an extended program. And today I have a very happy well-adjusted teenager. He attends a Grammar school, plays lots of sport, is top of his league in rugby, has lots of friends, is quite mature and trustworthy. He an A star pupil who is popular with both his teachers and classmates. 

    From the place my son was at before doing the Cluas program to where he is now in my view is a miracle. My family and friends cannot believe the difference. It is definitely one of the best things I could ever have given to my son in life. 

    Thank you Pascal and the team. 

    Ursula, June 2013 – Co. Armagh