Auditory Processing Difficulties

  • Daniel, age 14 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Daniel, age 14 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “…I hadn’t fully grasped the extent to which Daniels auditory processing challenges were affecting his life… It’s not an exaggeration to say that Ronan and team have given him a gift that he will carry with him for his whole life”

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    1362 views since Oct 2024

    On the advice of his OT, my 14 year old son completed an auditory program at Cluas in 2024. Having undertaken many interventions over the year, relating to Daniels sensory processing disorder, with fairly limited success, I was reasonably sceptical about the potential change that the Cluas program would achieve. I assumed that any improvement in Daniels capacity to cope with auditory processing would be marginal and perhaps hard to quantify. I was absolutely delighted to be proven wrong! Daniel has undergone a profound change in how he experiences sound. It has moved from overwhelming and chaotic to ordered and enjoyable. In real terms this means that he has gone from: being anxious and tuned out in noisy family restaurants, to relaxed and chatty. From leaving the teenage disco’s early because he found it oppressively loud, to participating in nightly Céilí’s and discos at the Gaeltacht without any difficulty. From being disengaged and inattentive in class, to coming home talking about what the teacher said. To fights every night over homework, to sitting down to homework with a sense of purpose because he knows what happened in class today. I hadn’t fully grasped the extent to which Daniels auditory processing challenges were affecting his life and I am utterly grateful that he had the opportunity to attend Cluas. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Ronan and team have given him a gift that he will carry with him for his whole life. 

    Catherine, September 2024 – Wicklow 

  • Karl, age 7 – Sensory Processing Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Karl, age 7 – Sensory Processing Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “We attended over a number of months and took the programme very seriously at home, following all the advice Ronan gave us to get the best out of it. Gradually, we started to notice improvements in his ability to filter out noise. By the end of the programme, going into a supermarket, a coffee shop…

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    My son was almost 7 when we decided to go to Cluas. He has been very sensitive to noise since he was a baby and was diagnosed with sensory processing difficulties at 3 years old. We attended occupational therapy to help with his sensory challenges, which helped greatly, but the one area there was no improvement, was his auditory processing difficulties. He was unable to filter out the noises around him and found the world a very overwhelming place. This became an even bigger issue when he started primary school, facing a noisy class and yard every day. We went to Ronan in Cluas to see if he could help. We attended over a number of months and took the programme very seriously at home, following all the advice Ronan gave us to get the best out of it. Gradually, we started to notice improvements in his ability to filter out noise. By the end of the programme, going into a supermarket, a coffee shop or any noisy environment was no longer a source of immense overwhelm and stress. His behaviour began to improve at home and school and we started to notice a consistent level of calm about him. The changes were very clear to see and we have no doubt it was because he did the listening programme with Ronan in Cluas. We can’t thank Ronan enough and would recommend to parents trying to seek help for their child.

    Mum of content little boy, September 2024 – Dublin 

  • Ricardo, age 13 – Auditory Processing Difficulties and Attention Difficulties 

    Ricardo, age 13 – Auditory Processing Difficulties and Attention Difficulties 

    “Just a quick note to let you know that R. is doing great, 2 months into secondary school and he’s flying! Has made some lovely friends and doing very well academically. The treatment made such a difference in his confidence, it’s been life changing so thank you”

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    1445 views since Oct 2024

    “Just a quick note to let you know that R. is doing great, 2 months into secondary school and he’s flying! Has made some lovely friends and doing very well academically. The treatment made such a difference in his confidence, it’s been life changing so thank you” 

    Lucia, October 2023 – Dublin 

  • Ruth, age 7 – Dyslexia and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Ruth, age 7 – Dyslexia and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “…I highly recommend that any parent with a neuro-diverse child should explore whether there are auditory processing challenges that are getting in the way of them reaching their potential. I am so pleased that we embarked on this journey as it’s easily been the most impactful support that I have managed to put in place…

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    I highly recommend that any parent with a neuro-diverse child should explore whether there are auditory processing challenges that are getting in the way of them reaching their potential. I have a 7 year old dyslexic daughter who has just finished the Cluas program and it has had a significant impact not just on her learning but also on her overall well-being.  

    Whereas before she always seemed to be in her own little world and often quite hard to engage with, she is now able to focus and listen more easily and I believe it has made everything a little easier for her. We are now able to have more comprehensive conversations without her being distracted by everything and anything. Her learning has picked up significantly and her teachers and family have all commented on the change. Her social group has broadened and I am hearing about more friends and requests for playdates.  

    And perhaps most importantly, given the reduced stimulation, she is a happier child and I have noticed her mood and energy has improved.  

    I am so pleased that we embarked on this journey as it’s easily been the most impactful support that I have managed to put in place for my daughter. 

    Grace, June 2023 – Dublin 

  • Liam, age 17 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties   

    Liam, age 17 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties   

    “…We are delighted Liam has experienced the benefits of the Cluas program to date…he feels his hears things much more clearly than he used and his concentration has improved…His Dad & I felt Liam’s ability to concentrate had improved in the weeks prior to the Leaving Cert. He got 440 points…!”

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    Hi Ronan, 

    Just want to let you know that Liam is very pleased with his Leaving Cert results. 

    He got 440 points and got a place in the 1st round in Business & Management (level 8) in TUD. This was his preferred realistic choice. He feels the environment in TUD will suit his needs better than UCD. 

    He mentioned recently that he feels his hears things much more clearly than he used and his concentration has improved. His Dad & I felt Liam’s ability to concentrate had improved in the weeks prior to the Leaving Cert. 

    We are delighted Liam has experienced the benefits of the Cluas program to date. Hopefully he will enjoy further benefits and his learning experiences in third level will be optimized & enjoyable. 

    Kind regards, 

    Eileen, September 2021 – Dublin 

  • Evelyn, age 7 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties  

    Evelyn, age 7 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties  

    “…After the initial meeting with Ronan at Cluas, I finally understand better the source of her struggle and frustration at school and work with her to help her to reach her potential without being hindered by her inability to keep her focus at school. Completing the Cluas programme transformed our lives…”

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    My daughter was 7 years old when we started her programme at Cluas. She was having difficulty keeping up at school and even though she was well-behaved in class she hardly ever knew what her teacher was talking about that day. She was returning home from school very frustrated. 

    After initial meeting with Ronan at Cluas, I finally understood why she was struggling with her attention at school and we were very hopeful the programme would help her improve in all areas she was falling behind. 

    After completing the Cluas programme her school results improved. She was able to tell me each day in detail what she learned that day. Completing the Cluas programme transformed our lives. I can understand better the source of her struggle and frustration at school and work with her to help her to reach her potential without being hindered by her inability to keep her focus at school. 

    Follow up email from Evelyn’s mum below – March 2022: 

    Hi Ronan, 

    just a quick note. 

    I had a parent/teacher meeting with Evelyn’s teacher and she gave me her score from before Halloween and after Christmas. In English she went from 81% to 93% and it Math she jumped from 53% to 89%. 

    It is a massive improvement for her in a short period of time. 

    Thank you for all the work you did with her. 

    Best Regards, 

    Kathleen, February and March 2022 –  Dublin 

  • Hugh, age 6 – Speech & Language Difficulties and Auditory Processing Disorder

    Hugh, age 6 – Speech & Language Difficulties and Auditory Processing Disorder

    “…We found that Cluas totally understood our concerns and could identify issues we had not seen ourselves.…Towards the end of Hugh’s Cluas programme and especially in the month that followed we noticed significant change in Hugh… it changed our lives and transformed our little boy…”

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    Hugh met all his developmental milestones until his second birthday, where we noticed that although he had good singular-word vocabulary, he was not attempting to construct sentences. 

    He began to demonstrate strong tendencies towards routine and functioned well within very structured timetables.  Any deviations from these routines led to tantrums and total refusals to participate. Hugh liked to spend time on ‘screens’ when let and tended to prefer them over interacting with children his own age. We fell into the trap of letting him have screens to control him in public. His ability to share and turn-take was limited. 

    Despite Speech and Occupational Theory over 12 months, we saw little progress in his speech & language or social/emotional maturity. 

    We heard about Cluas from a televised interview and decided to explore further. We found that Pascal and Ronan at Cluas totally understood our concerns and could identify issues we had not seen ourselves. 

    Cluas made us no promises nor applied pressure for us to engage with their programmes but we spoke to others and decided to give it a go. 

    We chose to start Hugh on a 15-day programme – with the first 2 days completed in the Cluas Centre and the remaining completed at home. There were a few times early in the programme where we felt Hugh was taking one-step forward and two steps back, but Ronan and Pascal were always on the end of the phone or email to guide us. 

    Towards the end of Hugh’s 6-month programme and especially in the month that followed we noticed significant change in Hugh.  He became more tolerant and understanding when he didn’t get his own way, his ability to turn-take/share was well improved and in general we were no longer operating on Hugh terms. 

    Hugh’s language and ability to hold meaningful intelligent conversations has totally changed. He can now ‘think ahead’ and asks the inquisitive questions that children often wonder about. Hugh’s teachers are really pleased at his progression since he joined over 12 months ago and academically Hugh is keeping pace with his peers – if not outpacing them in some areas. 

    There are still times today that Hugh can become over excited and can be a little socially immature – but this is a far-cry from where we started out, unsure if he would be able to attend main school at the same times as his peers. There is nowhere we cannot take Hugh today and we no longer worry about his behaviour over others is own age. 

    I would love if Hugh did what he was told every time and came in for his meals when called – but I now know that I’m in the space of every other parent with a 6 year old .. which is a nice place to be! 

    I cannot say if Cluas will work for everyone but only that it changed our lives and transformed our little boy. 

    Thank you Ronan and Pascal. 

    Laura and Sean, December 2018 – Dublin 

  • Catriona, age 6 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties 

    Catriona, age 6 – Attention Difficulties and Auditory Processing Difficulties 

    “…Catriona’s has improved tenfold. Reading , spelling, interaction in class. But most importantly Catriona’s behaviour is back to normal. So it looks like the work you’re doing is giving many children a better chance in life…”

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    Hi Ronan, 

    Just a brief update on Catriona’s pro29. Cathal, age 2. SLDgress. Heather went to catch up with Catriona’s teacher, to be honest I was very nervous. 

    Needless to say I was blown away when Heather came home and told me Catriona’s has improved ten fold. Reading , spelling, interaction in class. But most importantly Catriona’s behaviour is back to normal. 

    So it looks like the work you’re doing is giving many children a better chance in life. 

    That’s a mighty sense of job satisfaction. 

    Best wishes, 

    Aidan , Heather & Catriona, March 2018 – Dublin 

  • Caroline, age 10 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Caroline, age 10 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “…Caroline thrived throughout the experience and any emotional glitches she went through, the Cluas staff were on hand to re-assure us, that it was all part of the process…”

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    We went through the ‘At Home’ Cluas program in 2012/13. We found the process to be very easy to manage from home. Caroline was much more comfortable and relaxed in her familiar environment and with the chunk of your daily routine taken up with the listening program, it was definitely much better not to have to add on the travel time to and from the Cluas centre. 

    We found the support from the Cluas staff to be excellent. They were very thorough in training us to use the listening player and gave us a very comprehensive folder which made the exercises fool proof! They also checked to make sure everything went well. Caroline thrived throughout the experience and any emotional glitches she went through, the Cluas staff were on hand to re-assure us, that it was all part of the process. 

    Kathy, April 2013 – Dublin 

  • Rory, age 6 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Rory, age 6 – Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “… His concentration has now improved at home and at school…As parents we find he understands what is being asked better now … he’s more co-operative…”

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    Rory found it difficult to understand what he had to do in school and would bring home school work uncompleted. 

    His concentration has now improved at home and he understands what I’m asking him when it comes to his homework. 

    He was always quiet at the dinner table but would shout when he wanted to say something. Now we encourage him to have his turn and listen to others – and he is now able to do this. As parents we find he understands what is being asked better now. I don’t have to repeat myself as much with him and he’s more co-operative. 

    By the last set of sessions of his Cluas program he said he was ‘tired’ of the program – but once he got the headphones on he responded better than the other earlier sessions.  

    Rachel, October 2013 – Dublin