Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Hugh, age 8 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyspraxia and Speech & Language Difficulties 

    Hugh, age 8 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyspraxia and Speech & Language Difficulties 

    “…A huge difference has been made in terms of speech and social skills and confidence in Hugh…I would recommend this programme to every parent as it has helped us so much and I am extremely grateful. Ronan can tailor the programme to suit your child’s needs. As soon as Hugh speech became perfect we concentrated…

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    Cluas has been absolutely wonderful for my 8 year old son. Hugh had speech delay and was diagnosed as having dyspraxia and ASD.  Hugh attended private speech therapy and public but he wasn’t improving. Hugh also found it hard to mix in the school yard. After the initial consultation with Ronan we found out this was because he didn’t know what direction sounds were coming from or hear voices over background noise.  

    We had great fun doing all the activities while he was wearing the head phones and in a matter of months Hugh was speaking perfectly. He got a brilliant report in school whereas 1 year previously we had just received his diagnosis and were very concerned about his future. Ronan can tailor the programme to suit your child’s needs. As soon as Hugh speech became perfect we concentrated on his social skills.  

    A huge difference has been made in terms of speech and social skills and confidence in Hugh. He is doing so well now and we also have the support of Cluas which has been brilliant. I would recommend this programme to every parent as it really helps children and can be the support to help them reach milestones they may not have met otherwise. It has helped us so much and I am extremely grateful. We will have Hugh assessed again but we are fairly sure his diagnosis will be revoked. We are so happy and I cannot thank Cluas enough.  

    Brian, August 2023 – Dublin 

  • Niall, age 4 – Speech & Language Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Niall, age 4 – Speech & Language Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorder

    “Our son has made undeniable progress and we’re now much more optimistic about his long-term development than we were previously. We’d recommend Cluas highly to other parents.”

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    Our experience with Cluas, after engaging Ronan and the team to assist our son with his delayed speech development, was first-class. From the very start we were impressed by their responsiveness and professionalism. We felt, in particular, that they really tried to understand our particular situation and the specific speech challenges our son has faced. The appointments were never rushed and Ronan was a constant source of support and advice throughout. Our son has made undeniable progress and we’re now much more optimistic about his long-term development than we were previously. We’d recommend Cluas highly to other parents.

    Robert & Olivia, September 2024 – Dublin 

  • Michael, age 4 – Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sensory Processing Difficulties  

    Michael, age 4 – Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sensory Processing Difficulties  

    “After his autism diagnosis we were totally lost as to what to do next…We met Ronan in November 2019 and he was able to explain all of Michael’s symptoms to me really quickly and why they were happening…I felt an incredible lift understanding how ears can have such a detrimental effect on everything…”

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    From a very early age Michael was continuously sick with chest and ear infections. By the time he was 2 years old he was prescribed over 11 antibiotics. 

    At 2.5 he showed a speech delay and coupled with this he was not happy. He was always so upset. I got Michael’s hearing checked but nothing seemed to show up. Until a year and a half later we caught that he had a perforated ear drum which impaired his hearing and was likely very painful. 

    At this point he was going through the Assessment Of Need, from which after a he was diagnosed with autism (social challenges) and he was advised to go to a special school. This was difficult news for us to process. 

    After this Michael got grommets inserted and this was our first step to incredible changes for Michael. 

    After his diagnosis we were totally lost as to what to do next. He was so behind developmentally. He carried around CDs like he would a teddy bear. He was very self absorbed. Everything was about Michael. His anxiety was through the roof and with all of this going on our family was finding things very hard. 

    One night I sat down and googled ears and developmental delays. CLUAS appeared and I researched this website. The testimonials strongly endorsed what Cluas were doing. I rang Ronan and we started the process. 

    I entered the office full of fear not knowing what was going on with Michael and hoping Ronan would be able to help us. 

    We met Ronan in November 2019 and he was able to explain all of Michael’s symptoms to me really quickly and why they were happening. Knowledge is power and I felt an incredible lift understanding how ears can have such a detrimental effect on everything. I had no idea. 

    Michael’s Cluas program was broken into three stages as described on the website and my worry of Michael not wearing the headphones was soon overturned with a little persuasion. 

    Ronan advised to get in touch with a dietician and to think about removing gluten and dairy. This was great advice and has made a notable difference also. It was difficult to get him settled on the new diet and it took a bit of planning, but once established, we could tell it was adding to the momentum. 

    On stage 1 of the headphones there is two hours of play a day and in these times I got to understand Michael and his strengths and what he found hard and the whole process brought us both closer and more connected. It was hard emotionally as he seemed to take a few steps back a lot but it was for the best and Ronan’s availability, support and clarity was invaluable. 

    Michael went through this process when he was 4. He is just turning 6 now. 

    He is not in a special school. He is in mainstream junior infants. 

    Michael’s teacher recently quoted ‘ he is one of the most popular boys in the class’ ‘ yard is his favourite time so he can play chase with his friends’ ‘ Irish is his favourite subject’ and he listens very attentively in class and he is always smiling. 

    Michael’s challenges are fine motor; he finds handwriting hard and when the class is really noisy with thirty kids he finds it hard to concentrate working alone. This positive feedback has made us a very happy family. 

    We have come a long way and a huge thank you to Ronan for being Michael’s portal to health and happiness. 

    Robert, February 2021- Dublin 

  • Rian, age 4 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Rian, age 4 – Speech & Language Difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorder

    “…My son, age 4, was non-verbal, showing some characteristics of Autism. He was in his own world, anti-social, and would often get very upset for no apparent reason… Since starting the Cluas programme we noticed big changes in him. The humming was gone. He became more focused and aware of everything happening around him…”

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    My son, age 4, was non-verbal, showing some characteristics of Autism. He was in his own world, anti-social, and would often get very upset for no apparent reason, spend a lot of his time humming to himself, to name a few. I came across the website and felt that he needed this to help him. So, after talking to Pascal, my husband and I started the Cluas programme without any delay. 

    Within days of the first session, we noticed big changes in him. The humming was gone. He became more focused and aware of everything happening around him. It is as if he has come out of a dream. He heard us every time we called him. He would respond to us all the time, anywhere we are. He became curious about everything, even at school. Most of all, speech started coming. Initially this was just single words. He was not upset like before because he was expressing himself using his words. 

    Now he is happier being around his big sister and even playing with her. Interaction has started at school as well. He got a girlfriend (!) recently, which is an amazing thing that we did not believe was going to happen. He is even interacting with other adults in the school. He likes running around and playing catch with everybody in the park. He is listening to his teacher, sharing toys with his friends and even knows most of his friends’ names. He feels more grown up now, and he is even comforting his big sister when she is crying. 

    The most difficult part was to get him to keep the headphones on. When Pascal explained the program to us, we said he is not going to do that for sure. But we were determined to change him. So we changed ourselves first by becoming more firm, deciding to stick to whatever we were telling him to do. 

    The crying was always breaking our heart but we just kept going. The more he progressed, the more we got the courage to stick to the program. Now, I have my son, who is saying full sentences, wants to go out to play, is always looking for us, and is a happy child around his family, and no longer in his own little world. 

    Just a message to parents out there, don’t think twice about the program if you want to get your child back. It is a very hard path, but you will eventually get there. Where there is a will, there is always a way.  

    Siobhan and Kevin, June 2014 – Dublin 

  • Niall, age 5 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Speech & Language Difficulties

    Niall, age 5 – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Speech & Language Difficulties

    “…Since doing the Cluas program his speech and communication has improved drastically. His understanding has also improved and his Speech and Language therapist is amazed at the rate of improvement…”

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    Niall was diagnosed as being on the Autistic spectrum and having a learning disability as well as speech and language delay. Since doing the Cluas program his speech and communication has improved drastically. His understanding has also improved and his Speech and Language therapist is amazed at the rate of improvement. 

    His school say ‘he is a different child’ in terms of how well his speech and understanding have come on. His learning disability is now quite mild so that it has become easier for the teachers to teach Niall new things, which he is now able to grasp very quickly. His body language has changed and improved so much that a stranger would not be able to tell that he has difficulties. Things have also become less stressful at home as he is able to play more appropriately alone and with his brother. 

    Susan, May 2013 – Dublin 

  • Robert, age 10 – Auditory Processing Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorders 

    Robert, age 10 – Auditory Processing Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorders 

    “… Since the Cluas program, my son has changed in his ability to communicate, listen and interact with his peers and adults. This has greatly reduced his stress levels and melt downs… He even goes on play-dates now!“

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    Since the Cluas program, my son has changed in his ability to communicate, listen and interact with his peers and adults. This has greatly reduced his stress levels – which was the main reason for doing the Cluas program. 

    His time in school has gone from a stressful one with “melt downs”, toiletry issues, lack of friends and “zoning out” to one where he now has friends, can interact in class and has lost the stress that showed before. He doesn’t walk on his toes as much, he willingly approaches visiting adults to talk. He has stopped bed wetting totally which use to occur during term time, another example of his stresses at school. He even goes on play-dates now! 

    The most difficult time of the program was the start as we had to try and incorporate it into our busy day and to find things to do that were of interest. Once we got into a routine, it was easier. 

    Cathy and John, January 2014 – Cork 

  • Killian, age 4 – Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Killian, age 4 – Autism Spectrum Disorder

    “Diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at three years of age Killian’s parents didn’t know where to turn next to help their child. But after hearing about Cluas from a friend, Robert and his wife decided to contact Cluas – an Irish organisation who provide programs for children who show signs of development delay.”

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    SEE VIDEO!!!

    Terrible quality but can we incorporate 

    Robert, May 2016 – Co. Longford 

  • Tristan, age 3 – Autism Spectrum Disorder 

    Tristan, age 3 – Autism Spectrum Disorder 

    “… he’s a completely different child… he has speech, to a degree … but considering where he was starting, it’s bordering on miraculous…”

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    Derek Mooney is joined in the studio by Eddie, father of 3 year old Tristan who was diagnosed with Autism and has completed an extended Cluas program, with very good results. 

    (Broadcast on RTE Radio 1) 

    Eddie, May 2016 – Co. Meath