
  • Ruth, age 7 – Dyslexia and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    Ruth, age 7 – Dyslexia and Auditory Processing Difficulties

    “…I highly recommend that any parent with a neuro-diverse child should explore whether there are auditory processing challenges that are getting in the way of them reaching their potential. I am so pleased that we embarked on this journey as it’s easily been the most impactful support that I have managed to put in place…

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    327 views since Apr 2025

    I highly recommend that any parent with a neuro-diverse child should explore whether there are auditory processing challenges that are getting in the way of them reaching their potential. I have a 7 year old dyslexic daughter who has just finished the Cluas program and it has had a significant impact not just on her learning but also on her overall well-being.  

    Whereas before she always seemed to be in her own little world and often quite hard to engage with, she is now able to focus and listen more easily and I believe it has made everything a little easier for her. We are now able to have more comprehensive conversations without her being distracted by everything and anything. Her learning has picked up significantly and her teachers and family have all commented on the change. Her social group has broadened and I am hearing about more friends and requests for playdates.  

    And perhaps most importantly, given the reduced stimulation, she is a happier child and I have noticed her mood and energy has improved.  

    I am so pleased that we embarked on this journey as it’s easily been the most impactful support that I have managed to put in place for my daughter. 

    Grace, June 2023 – Dublin 

  • TJ, age 10 – Speech and Language Difficulties, Dyslexia

    TJ, age 10 – Speech and Language Difficulties, Dyslexia

    “…The feedback from school was overwhelmingly positive, more than I have ever received to date…They are very happy with his progress even since September: his participation in class etc. and are seeing a marked improvement in his fluency of reading…”

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    339 views since Apr 2025

    I had the Parent Teacher meeting today where I met his teacher and his support teacher. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, more than I have ever received to date. They noted that when he is taken out of class for comprehension he is the top performer amongst peers. 

    They acknowledged the history of TJ’s shutting down and going into the freeze mode but noted this was not something that had remotely observed since the start of September, which I’ll admit I was shocked by (in a good way).

    So all in all they are very happy with his progress even since September, his participation in class etc. and are seeing a marked improvement in his fluency of reading. The only negative was he tended to drift off so we need to watch the attention span. 

    Sinead, November 2024 – Wicklow 

  • Conor, age 8 –ADHD, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia

    Conor, age 8 –ADHD, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia

    “… From the minute Conor came in to the world he was challenging. He never slept, he had colic, he ‘head banged’ along with numerous other difficulties…Today I have a very happy teenager … family and friends cannot believe the difference…”

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    212 views since Apr 2025

    Conor and his mother, Ursula, came to Cluas in Dublin in 2005 where Conor completed an extended Cluas program – initially three stages and then a further five stages in the following year – in total eight stages. 

    In June 2013 Ursula decided that Conor’s younger brother would also complete a Cluas program, which started in September 2013. She told us how Conor was now getting on and also some of his earlier background: 

    From the minute Conor came in to the world he was challenging. He never slept, he had colic, he ‘head banged’ along with numerous other difficulties. During his early years I took him to numerous natural and medical practices to try to get both of us some help in coping with these problems – without much success. 

    Eventually we got a diagnosis of ADHD. He was also diagnosed with Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. At this point my son was finding school extremely difficult and receiving no support or help. Here I need to mention something very important: the choir mistress took my son under her wing. Singing gave him a great outlet and he loved to sing. 

    Anyway, his academic studies were very poor. The 11+ exam was looming and he was 8 years of age with no hope. I thought I had investigated every avenue available. By chance my mother heard about a program being run in Dublin for children with learning difficulties: ADHD, dyspraxia etc.  I contacted Cluas – my son completed an extended program. And today I have a very happy well-adjusted teenager. He attends a Grammar school, plays lots of sport, is top of his league in rugby, has lots of friends, is quite mature and trustworthy. He an A star pupil who is popular with both his teachers and classmates. 

    From the place my son was at before doing the Cluas program to where he is now in my view is a miracle. My family and friends cannot believe the difference. It is definitely one of the best things I could ever have given to my son in life. 

    Thank you Pascal and the team. 

    Ursula, June 2013 – Co. Armagh 

  • Russel, age 14 – Dyslexia 

    Russel, age 14 – Dyslexia 

    “…We took our 14 year son, who is dyslexic, to Cluas in August 2016… The results have been very positive.  At our most recent meetings with his teachers 50% of them, without our prompting, commented on our son’s improved concentration and ability to listen in class…”

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    114 views since Apr 2025

    We took our 14 year old son, who is dyslexic, to Cluas in August 2014. During the previous 6 months we had a number of discussions with his school in which it was brought to our attention that our son had serious problems concentrating in class. Additionally, we were told that he was disrupting the class because he was also distracting some of his fellow pupils. 

    We were looking for a solution and discovered Cluas on the internet. At first we were a bit sceptical but as we did additional research and read more about the approach we became more comfortable with the program and decided to give it a try. 

    Once our son got used to wearing the headphones for 2 hours at a time the program went very smoothly. 

    The results have been very positive.  At our most recent meetings with his teachers 50% of them, without our prompting, commented on our son’s improved concentration and ability to listen in class. The others, when asked, gave us similar feedback. We asked all of his teachers if he was still distracting the other pupils – we got an emphatic ‘no’ to the question. In fact we got no negative feedback from any of his teachers. 

    Many thanks to Pascal and Ronan. 

    Robert, February 2017 – Dublin